We’re in the Klamath Basin

Welcome to our home on the web and thanks for stopping by... We invite you to make yourself at home by exploring all of the information here on our website. WestSide is a community of Christ followers gathering in the Midland Grange on the corner of Joe Wright Road and Tingley Lane every Sunday at 5:05 PM. We exist to transform lives into disciples of Jesus Christ. We would love to hear from you send us an E-mail or give us a call so that we can help you engage in this great journey with us.

Get Involved


Prayer Team
The Prayer Team is the most important team at WestSide Community Church. This Team consist of people who feel called of God to pray for God’s power, His guidance, wisdom, and strength as we plant the church. We are looking for those who know the power of prayer, and have a calling to be
intercessors for those disconnected from Jesus Christ. This is the foundation of the church plant.

Plant Team
This is a group of people who believe God is leading them to be a part of this new church. These people should have a heart for mission work for the Lord. Church planting is after all, a mission work. These people will be the hands and faces of the WestSide Community Church. As with anyone committed to a local church, these Plant Team members will participate in prayer, service, and financial support.

Financial Support
New churches have a financial cost. We will gather a group of Financial Partners who understand that church planting is a wise investment and desire to see that their resources have an eternal impact. Whether contributing a little or a lot, monthly or a one-time gift, Financial Partners will help people find and follow Jesus. Jesus said that “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Therefore, we ask those who support us financially to please pray for us regularly.

Would you prayerfully consider joining our team in one or more of these ways?

We are excited about what God is going to do in these growing neighborhoods of the Klamath Falls area and invite you to be a part of this great work. If you would like to get involved with the WestSide Community Church, please give us a phone call (541-591-4990) or email.